IGF stands for “insulin like growth factor 1.”

It’s technically an anabolic peptide hormone that has the role of stimulating growth and to a lesser degree supporting maintenance of normal blood sugar levels and a healthy metabolism.

Cells throughout our muscles contain receptors that have a high affinity for this type of growth factor. Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor is a protein found on the surface of human cells that is activated by IGF-1.

Insulin like growth factor was formerly called somatomedin (or somatomedin C) because it’s a peptide in the somatomedin family. It’s been determined that IGF-1 is a “single chain 70-amino acid polypeptide cross-linked by 3 disulfide bridges.”

It got its current name because it has certain insulin-like actions in the body (including lowering blood sugar), but it isn’t nearly as powerful as insulin when it comes to controlling blood glucose levels.

One of the main jobs of IGF-1 is to manage the effects of growth hormone in your body. Because it mediates many of the effects of human growth hormone, many people discuss these two hormones interchangeably.

To properly grow and develop, your body needs human growth hormone (hGH). This is a peptide hormone produced in the tiny part of your brain called the pituitary gland. Although hGH plays its most crucial role during childhood and adolescence, it continues to maintain healthy tissues and organs throughout your life. Because of that, hGH levels that are lower or higher than typical can lead to health problems both in children and adults.

As often is the case with such complicated machines as our bodies, hGH does not act alone. A molecule called the growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) controls hGH by releasing it from the pituitary gland into the bloodstream. If your blood test indicates low levels of hGH, your doctor may recommend injections of a synthetic form of GHRH, called sermorelin.

Benefits of Sermorelin

  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Increased libido
  • Increased strength/energy/stamina
  • Exercise performance
  • Immune system functioning
  • Bone health
  • Joints/reduced joint pain
  • Skin and nail health (tighter skin, thicker nails)
  • Growth of lean muscle mass/reduction of fat
  • Lower LDL (bad cholesterol)
  • Overall body composition
Omnitrope is an HGH medication that aims to increase serum human growth hormone in the body. Omnitrope is more specifically a somatropin injection that contains a synthetic form of the human growth hormone that is secreted by the pituitary gland. When taken, Omnitrope can effectively increase HGH levels in the body. 
There are numerous positive results that can come from receiving these injections.
– Increased energy levels
– Weight loss
– Increased bone density,
– Improved appearance with reduced signs of aging such as wrinkles and skin sagging, and positive mood.
There are also many more positive side effects that will be seen as people progress through their prescribed treatment plan.

AOD 9064 is a peptide that uses HGH (Human Growth Hormones) that burn calories in parts of the body that have a high concentration of fat (chest, stomach, thighs, etc.)

AOD 9604 is a synthetic peptide that has garnered attention for its potential applications in the realm of health and wellness. Known for its involvement in fat metabolism, AOD 9604 is believed to have the capacity to stimulate the breakdown of adipose tissue, offering promise as a potential tool in weight management strategies.

This innovative peptide is thought to target specific receptors involved in fat metabolism, promoting a more efficient and targeted reduction in fat cells. It is known to enhance body composition and overall well-being.

And many other growth hormones and peptides!